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Shortage of IT Talent and Outsourcing


The shortage of IT talent has been a significant challenge for many organizations, and outsourcing has emerged as a viable solution to address this issue. In today’s medical landscape, there is a critical shortage of qualified IT professionals. In the U.S., there are 17% more job openings than available qualified IT workers, and 6 million jobs( Korn Ferry Report ) could go unfilled this year alone. Additionally, 3.8 million cybersecurity jobs in healthcare sector may be at risk of being unfulfilled according to cybersecurity magazine. At Prima Systems, a leading healthcare BPO company, we offer a comprehensive range of IT services tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses, helping to bridge this talent gap.

Causes of IT Talent Shortage

1. Rapid Technological Advancements:
  • The fast pace of technological change creates a constant need for new skills.
  • Emerging fields like AI, machine learning, cybersecurity, and blockchain require specialized knowledge.
2. High Demand for Digital Transformation:
  • Businesses are increasingly adopting digital technologies to stay competitive.
  • The demand for technology professionals across nearly every industry is projected to rapidly outpace supply over the next decade. Quantifying current and anticipated talent shortfalls within America’s STEM workforce reveals the depth of the digitization-driven skills crisis. 87% of companies worldwide says that they will have skills gap within few years, report by Mckinsey & Company
3. Educational Gaps:
  • Universities and training programs often struggle to keep curricula up-to-date with industry needs.
  • There is a lag between the skills taught and the skills needed in the market. According to CompTIA state of the IT skills gap study, more than 90% employers believe that the there exists skills gap in the IT industry.
4. Global Competition:
  • Companies worldwide compete for the same pool of skilled IT workers.
  • This competition drives up salaries and makes talent acquisition more challenging.

Benefits of IT Outsourcing

1. Access to a Global Talent Pool:
  • The National Outsourcing Association states that 80% of companies in US, outsource IT services to gain access to skills and resources unavailable locally.
  • It helps overcome local shortages by accessing talent in regions with surplus IT professionals. According to Korn Ferry Report, Asian & South-East countries have more IT talent available than opening positions. Prima Systems provides access to highly skilled Level 1-3 Technical resources, ensuring your IT operations are in capable hands.
2. Cost Efficiency:
  • A study by PwC found that outsourcing IT services can reduce costs by 20-30% for companies
  • Companies can save on recruitment, training, and infrastructure costs. Prima Systems offers 24/7 Helpdesk Engineers, delivering round-the-clock support at competitive rates, ensuring cost efficiency without compromising quality.
3. Scalability and Flexibility:
  • Outsourcing provides the flexibility to scale IT resources up or down based on project needs.
  • It allows businesses to be more agile in responding to changing demands. Our Server Management and Data Center services enable businesses to scale effortlessly, adapting to evolving technological requirements.
4. Focus on Core Competencies:
  • By outsourcing IT functions, companies can focus on their core business activities.
  • It enables internal teams to concentrate on strategic initiatives rather than routine IT tasks. Prima Systems’ Application Maintenance services ensure your core business processes run smoothly while we handle the technical complexities.
4. Focus on Core Competencies:
  • By outsourcing IT functions, companies can focus on their core business activities.
  • It enables internal teams to concentrate on strategic initiatives rather than routine IT tasks. Prima Systems’ Application Maintenance services ensure your core business processes run smoothly while we handle the technical complexities.
5. Speed to Market:
  • Outsourcing can accelerate project timelines by leveraging the expertise and established processes of third-party providers.
  • It helps companies bring products and services to market faster. Our Dedicated Systems Engineers and Database Administrators ensure quick and efficient project delivery, helping you stay ahead of the competition.
6. Enhanced Quality Control:
  • Ensuring the highest quality of work is our top priority at Prima Systems.
  • We maintain clear communication, defined SLAs, and regular monitoring to guarantee superior service delivery and quality assurance in all our services.
7. Robust Data Security and Privacy:
  • Prima Systems is committed to protecting your sensitive data.
  • We adhere to stringent data security protocols and compliance measures, ensuring that your information is safe and secure with our reputable outsourcing services.
8. Dependable and Diverse Vendor Management:
  • Prima Systems offers reliable and consistent service delivery, minimizing risks associated with over-reliance on outsourcing partners.
  • We diversify our vendor relationships and maintain some in-house capabilities to ensure uninterrupted service and operational continuity.

          Outsourcing is a practical solution to the IT talent shortage, providing access to a broader talent pool, cost savings, and greater flexibility. By carefully selecting outsourcing partners like Prima Systems and implementing robust processes, companies can leverage outsourcing to address their IT needs and drive business growth.